Mengapa Diet Anda Gagal

Anda dah cuba berbagai-bagai diet. Baik yang terkenal dan mahal hinggalah yang murah. Tapi kebanyakannya gagal. Kita putus asa kerana sukar nak match dengan tabiat kita. Jom baca fakta dan rahsia penyebab kegagalan diet..sumber rujukan disini

Let's take a look at why most diets fail.
  • Most diets are nutritionally inadequate. They are too low in calories and/or nutrients. Sooner or later you feel bad and cheat. When faced with a shortage of calories, your body’s natural response is to conserve fat. This mechanism may have come in handy for your distant ancestors trying to survive a famine, but the "starvation response" and it’s associated hormonal changes make life difficult for many a dieter. After all, when's the last time you couldn't find any food!
  • "Kebanyakan diet adalah tidak seimbang dari segi nutrisi"
  • Most diets are too hard to follow. They interfere with your life. They give you too many excuses to goof off, cheat or quit.
  • "Kebanyakan diet sukar diikuti"
  • Most diets are too slow and frustrating. Lots of pain, little gain.
  • "Kebanyakan diet lambat menunjukkan kesan"
  • Some diet plans ask you to take unsafe ingredients having negative side effects (Ephedra, Ephedra Alternatives, other stimulants). Why should you have to take your life in your hands to lose a few pounds? You’re trying to get healthier, right?
  • "Ada diet yang memerlukan anda mengambil kandungan yang berbahaya"
  • Most diets slow your metabolism setting you up for the "yo-yo" effect.
  • "Kebanyakan diet memperlahankan kadar metabolisma anda dan menjurus kepada "yo-yo effect"
What is the "Yo-Yo" Effect?

Kita baca apa yang ter tulis dalam Wikipedia dulu

Yo-yo dieting or yo-yo effect, also known as weight cycling, is a term "yo-yo dieting" coined by Kelly D. Brownell at Yale University, in reference to the cyclical loss and gain of weight, resembling the up-down motion of a yo-yo. In this process, the dieter is initially successful in the pursuit of weight loss but is unsuccessful in maintaining the loss long-term and begins to gain the weight back. The dieter then seeks to lose the regained weight, and the cycle begins again. 

Maksudnya anda pada mulanya berjaya menurunkan berat badan, tetapi gagal untuk mengekalkannya dan berat badan akan bertambah semula. Kemudian kitaran ini akan berulang semula.

The reasons for yo-yo dieting are varied but often include embarking upon a hypocaloric diet that was initially too extreme. At first the dieter may experience elation at the thought of loss and pride of their rejection of food. Over time, however, the limits imposed by such extreme diets cause effects such as depression or fatigue that make the diet impossible to sustain. Ultimately, the dieter reverts to their old eating habits, now with the added emotional effects of failing to lose weight by restrictive diet. Such an emotional state leads many people to eating more than they would have before dieting, causing them to rapidly regain weight.

Maksudnya - Diet yang extreme seperti pengambilan kalori yang terlalu rendah menyebabkan anda lesu dan tertekan menjadikan ia sukar diteruskan. Kesannya, anda kembali kepada tabiat makan yang lama malahan memakan lebih dari tabiat lama.

HABIS TU…CEMANA NAK LAWAN YOYO EFFECT NI..CEMANA NAK DIET?..kesimpulannya sahut la cabaran kurus dan langsing cara sihat dengan CINCH SHAKLEE... dan ini pula teori/fakta ttg leucin..Cinch Shake membantu anda berasa kenyang untuk tempoh panjang kerana index glisemik yang rendah. Ia membantu glukosa dilepaskan perlahan-lahan dalam aliran darah supaya anda bertenaga untuk tempoh yang lebih panjang berbanding makanan biasa.
Cinch Shake Mix -contain leucine.(Leucine is a muscle-building amino acid found in protein rich foods).This leucine-enhanced nutrition program was shown to help retain 100% of lean muscle mass. People in the program lost fat, weight and inches while retaining their lean muscle. availabe in chocolate/vanilla/cafe latte flavor..


Jika anda ingin berdiet tanpa merasa lesu dan tertekan. Mulakan langkah anda dengan Cinch Shake. Ikuti jadual makan yang kami cadangkan ini.

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